With the start of third semester we were introduced to our new subjects. Public relation, advertising, video journalism and New media are my new enemies till the final exams hehe... although all four subjects are interesting as what i need is my brain to do lots and lots of creativity in which i am not good at :( what strike me to write this blog was New media, i never imagined to read anything related to internet or web after my high school not a even lesson but it is so surprising that m reading a whole subject on this stuff which is known as NEW MEDIA. according to syllabus it comprises of web browsing, online communication, online services etc.
yeah back to the point is why am i mentioning new media again and again is because i observed something very common but still uncommon to me. My mam was discussing the disadvantages of online communication. mam explained us some of the disadvantages like it text based, lot of information is there which confuses us, threads are present and isolation. This was the lesson i learnt that day like every usual lectures, but what made me think about was the word isolation as i was the one also being taken away with this. after my college i went back home, in my way i was so shocked to see isolation around me in metro and buses
.The situation began when i took my metro from kashmere gate to dilshad garden, it was around 5:30p.m when i board that metro as i was getting bore as i was alone and none of my friends were using whatsapp at dat point of time in short no chit chats, so i started observing every girl around me just to check out there style sense(i know it is bad manner to stare people that makes them uncomfortable but i had nothing to do at that point of time) apart from there style sense what i observed was most of them had their head down with cellphones in hands and texting it was so shocking i mean an old lady was standing their nobody was bothered to even give some space to that old lady to sit, leave the point of bothering the girls were not even aware that she was standing.
After exiting from metro station, my brother was standing there right next to scooty, he usually picks me from metro station and wow.. what i saw was i was standing in front of him but still he was indulge in his facebook page or may be messenger or anything that he was not aware of it. even while driving he was so concerned about his cell and i felt irritated.
The observing part didn't end up here, the last person i saw to be a victim of isolation was me. yes i was also a part of this thing. i am so into social networking and web browsing that i have cut my self from my neighbours and social surroundings. i can talk to my friend living in abroad but i am so shy to even say hi to one of the girl living next to door, after 7 days i got to know one of my uncle became dad.
These are some incidents which proved that it is true our excess indulgence in networking is creating isolation around us. some one truly said these words (i dnt know the exact line) a mobile phone has the power to keep you close to your far friends but it can also have power to create gap between your close ones. I mean m not blaming the social networking sites and all messaging on mobiles are also responsible for this. Everything thing has a positive side and negative side it is up to us how wisely we use it. i mean after this thing i learnt lesson that being in touch with your far ones are important but we have to be aware that it is not costing to our relation with close ones. there is need to cut this isolation and this can only be possible if we balance out both things.